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Tuesday, 12 November 2019

NU Degree Admission Notice 2019 | 2019-20 Session

NU Degree admission 2019

NU degree admission Notice 2019. Bangladesh National University Authority has published degree pass and private course admission circular for 2019-20 session. Students who are successfully passed in HSC and equivalent exam they are able to apply degree pass course any National University affiliated college.

Bangladesh National University offeres one more course who want to be admitted in degree pass course which is B.A, B.SS, B.B.S, B.S.C, B.MUSIC, and B.Sport course.

Who are interested in degree pass course then this time is for online application. You have to apply for degree pass course via online system. Students who are not selected on Honours they can also apply for degree pass course.

We are here for explain everything about degree pass admission 2019 for 2019-20 session.

Every year National University announce for degree pass admission by their official website nu.ac.bd. This year also noticed by about degree pass admission for 2019 academic year and session 2019-20.

We always publish exact date and time for any kind education information. Now are explain you degree pass admission course 2019.

Bangladesh National University has announced about degree pass course admission for 2019-20 session. We are going to inform you about degree pass admission course which is important for for admission candidates.

We are give you degree pass admission notice as Image and PDF version. You do not go anywhere for download Degree Admission circular notice 2019.

We are provide high quality image with PDF Format which is collected from Bangladesh National University official website.

Important Time Table For Degree Pass Admission 2019

We are going to tell you degree pass admission important schedule. Let's see important time and date.

For you king this NU Degree pass course (Regular Admission 2019)

Details Date
Primary Admission Start                          14th November 2019
Primary Admission End                           28 November 2019
Admission fee                                          250 Tk
Form submission last                               30 November 2019
Class Start                                               15th November 2019
Private Admission Will Publish Soon

Do you want to admitted in NU pass course? If your answer yes then you are in right place for information.
Now see the Image below which is NU Degree pass course admission notice 2019 for 2019-20 session.

We have also added Degree pass admission notice PDF for you. You can easily dowload and open for better view.

Now download Degree 1st year admission notice PDF 2019.

How Can I Apply For Degree Admission 2019

Hello viewers NU admission is system is very easy. You can able to apply NU Degree pass admission 2019 at 4.00 PM. Every Degree admission candidates need to select their favorite college for degree admission 2019.

Now follow our instructions for NU Degree pass admission 2019.

First of all go to Degree admission 2019.
Now find online admission on Apply Now (Degree).
Now fill up with your SSC and HSC information.
Now press on sign in.
After all, Select Your course name and college name where you wanna admitted.
Then upload your photo which is 120x150 pixel image.
Now type your on mobile number.
Now check your all information and submit and download your admission form.

Now you are done for NU Degree pass course online admission 2019.

Important Note: National University Degree admission online system will be on at 14 November on 4.00 PM And it will be closed at 28 November 2019 On 12.00 AM.

Who Is Compatible Of Degree Pass Admission 2019?

Most of students ask and want to know that iam Compatible for NU Degree pass course admission? And many more question. For those students we are provide few questions and answers below.

Question: I have successfully passed HSC examination in 2018. Can I apply for Degree pass admission 2019?
Answer: Yes you are able to degree primary admission 2019.

Question: I have applied Honours admission 2019 but iam not select in honours course. Can I apply for degree pass course admission?
Answer: Yes you can apply for degree pass course admission 2019.

Question: Can I complete degree pass course within 3 years?
Answer: Bangladesh education minister has announced that from this time all course will be complete their exact time.

Question: How long time we need for complete Degree pass course? And how long time we will get for complete my degree pass course?
Answer: Degree registration will be expire afterer 5 years from registration time. In this time you can complete your degree pass course. Bangladesh National University has 6 types of 3 years course for degree pass.

Question: Can I continue my degree pass course beside my job or else without attend in class?
Answer: Yes you can.

National University Degree Admission 2019 Notice shared by www.nunotice
com. Now every admission candidates can be apply for Degree Admission following our above system.

If you have any questions about degree pass course admission ask us by comment box. We will answer you as soon as we can. We will wait for your back again here to know more information.


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