Department of Fisheries DOF Job Circular 2019
Department of Fisheries DOF Job Circular 2019 has been published by the authority. It’s a huge opportunity to the unemployed people. This job circular will be helpful for that people. Anyone,can take this opportunity. Because, this job circular has been created a great chance to unemployed people. You can visit official website of Fisheries Department that is
To get Department of Fisheries DOF job circular 2019 related information, you can visit our website that is If you want to apply for this job,you should submit your application within short time. Department of Fisheries DOF Job Circular has been converted to an image file, so that everyone can easily or download this job circular. Department of Fisheries Job Circular has been given bellow.
Department of Fisheries DOF Job Circular 2019
Source: Observerbd, 06 November 2019
Application Deadline: 26 November 2019
Department of Fisheries
Since the inception of the then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) the DoF has had continuing as a front line public sector organization for fisheries development. After the independence of Bangladesh in 1971 the Central Fisheries Department of the then Pakistan was merged with the DoF of Bangladesh in April 1975. Later on in 1984 Central Marine Fisheries Dept. was merged with the DoF as a Marine Fisheries wing.
DoF is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock. It is headed by a Director General, who is assisted by four Directors (one reserve) and 2 Principal Scientific Officer (equivalent to Director). There are 1553 technical officers of different stairs and supporting staffs in the DoF. They render their services to achieve the mission and vision of then DoF. There are administrative set-ups at division, district and Upazila (sub-district) levels headed by Deputy Director, District Fisheries Officer and Senior/Upazila Fisheries Officer respectively. Besides these, there are three fish inspection and quality control stations under DoF. Furthermore DoF also comprises of Marine Fisheries Station, Fisheries Training Academy, Fisheries Training and Extension Centers, and Fish Hatcheries. Department of Fisheries (DOF) job circular 2019 related all information will be published here.
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