এখানে কম্পিউটার কম্পোজ, ইন্টারনেট ব্রাউজিং, বিয়ে, হালখাতা, আকিকা, মুখেভাতের কার্ডসহ যাবতীয় ছাপার কাজ করা হয়। মোবাইল- ০১৭৩৮-১৬৯০৫৫, ০১৭৮৩-১০৬৩১২***

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Tuesday, 5 November 2019

জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ২০১৭ সালের মাস্টার্স শেষ পর্ব পরীক্ষার ফলাফল প্রকাশ ফলাফল দেখুন এখানে

National University Master Final Result 2019 has been published by national university official website www.nu.edu.bd. Natioanl University NU authority has been published the result on their two official website which is www.nubd.info and www.nu.ac.bd/results. So masters final year result 2019 checking process is now easier than previous years. National University (NU) Masters Final Year Exam Result 2019 has been also published on our website http://manikerdokan.blogspot.com/. This year NU Masters Final Year pass rate is 76.05%

National university masters final year result 2019 is also known as NU masters part -2 exam result 2019. National University Master Final Year Exam held every year on national university affiliated colleges. This course duration is for 1 year. Students need to passed in their masters part 1 exam / Honours Course to seat for masters part 2 exam. Online & SMS Details result checking process of nu masters result has been given below:

National University Master Final year Result 2019

When will publish National University Masters Final Year Result 2019: After starting Crash Program National university trying hard to publish all exam result within 3 month of Last theory exam date. This year NU Master final year exam of 2017 which was started on 22 June 2019 & last the theory exam was held on 05 August 2019. According to the national university official Website notice National university masters final result 2019 will be published on 05th November 2019. colleges under National University of Bangladesh across the country. So Approximately within three month masters final year 2019 result published.
NU Masters Final year result 2019 by SMS Method has been given bellow:
National University also publish their exam result through SMS method. So masters final part exam result 2019 will be also available on SMS. If you want to check your result through SMS method then you have to follow the instruction bellow:
Go to Your Mobile phone write message option then Type:
 NU <space> MF <space> Your Exam Roll Number and send the SMS to 16222
Example: NU MF 123456 
send the SMS to 16222
National University Masters final year result 2017 Summary:
National University Masters final year theory exam started on 22/06/2019 and ended on 05/08/2019. After completing theory exam VIVA/Practical & Filed Work exam was going on from -/-/2019 to -/-/2019. This year Total 1,38,669 students seat on exam hall in masters final exam from 157 colleges and 30 subjects. This year 1,05,455 students has been passed in this exam. So pass rate is 76.05%
National University Masters Final Year Exam Result 2017 Published Date
We will update National University Masters Final Result 2019 in time after publishing by NU authority. All students easily find all kinds of important information about National University Master’s final year. Students also get it from www.nu.ac.bd. National University Master Final Result 2019 – www.nu.edu.bd. Normally national university takes more times to give their final result; it’s good news for masters students to get their result early. National University authority very strictly maintain their education system now after announced crash program. So you don’t have to wait a long time like previous students.
How To board challenge / review / re-scrutiny National university masters final year result 2019?
National university also give a chance to review their result for these students who are not satisfied with their published result. This process will be running for 1 month after result publication date. To review your result you have to fill up an application form in NU official website then you will be got  pay slip. You will be charged 800TK for a single paper review. Then you have to pay the fee on nearest Sonali Bank branch. We will update the board challenge process on our website.



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