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Sunday, 29 September 2019

১৬তম বেসরকারি শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন এর প্রিলিমিনারি পরীক্ষার ফলাফল দেখুন

16th NTRCA Result 2019 – Preliminary MCQ Exam -খুব সহজে রেজাল্ট দেখুন

16th NTRCA MCQ Exam Result 2019

NTRCA refers to Non-Government Teacher’s Registration & Certification Authority. Some days ago ntrca published a opportunity for school and college level teacher’s registration. That’s why a preliminary exam was held on 30/08/2019. 16th ntrca school level mcq exam was held in the morning and college level ntrca mcq exam was held in the afternoon that day. So all the examination work is done. NTRCA official website is http://www.ntrca.gov.bd/ 
All the examination and examination related tasks have been completed. So it is time to publish the result. All the candidates who have taken the mcq examination are eagerly awaiting for the results. First a important question come to us that when the result will publish? Then how to get ntrca result easily? how many candidates took part in the examination? Who can success? a lots of question like this come to our mind. So we will help you to provide all the information.
At a glance
Exam Name : 16th NTRCA Examination (School and College level)
Exam Type : First MCQ, 2nd Written, 3rd Viva voice.
Authority : NTRCA (Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certificate Authority)
Exam Date for College Level : 30/08/2019 at 3:00 pm
Exam Date for School Level : 30/08/2019 at 10:00 am
Result Published Date : 30/09/2019 after 1:00 pm

16th NTRCA Result 2019 Publish Date

NTRCA mcq exam result always publish within 01 month of completion. 16 NTRCA exams has taken on the date of 30 August 2019. School ntrca exam held on 10:00 AM and College ntrca exam held on 02:00 PM on the date of 30 August 2019. So the exam results are most likely to publish in the last week of September, 2019. The publish date of ntrca result is not fixed. But some of us think the result will publish on September 30. So friends you have to wait for 16th ntrca result.

16th NTRCA Preliminary Result

A total amount of 11,76,250 candidates participated in the 16 ntrca examination. A candidate can apply for both school and college level ntrca examination. Though the exam date is same but the time is different for school and college level exam. 16th ntrca school mcq exam result and 16th ntrca college mcq exam result 2019 will publish on the same date and time.

16 NTRCA MCQ Result Online

In this modern time all types of result publish on online. For online result you have to go to this official website of NTRCA. The website is http://ntrca.teletalk.com.bd/result/
First click the website link above. A new page will open. In this page you can see two boxes. One is “Roll” and the other is “Exam”. First input you roll number correctly then select your exam as 16th NTRCA Exam(Preliminary).

At last click the “Submit” button. After loading this page, the result is in front of you. It is very short and easy method. But one question remains that how to get results for those who do not use the internet or smartphone? The answer is in the below.

NTRCA Result by SMS

SMS method of ntrca result is very easy. You won’t do anything for this. Just you have to wait for the publish date. The date on which the result will publish you will get a sms with your result. Because you provided a phone number when you registered for the NTRCA examination.

Some information You have to know about NTRCA

The non-government educational institutes are grouped into three section. These are School, School-2 and College level. School-2 level includes institutes of Ebtedayee section of all madrasas, all technical and business studies institutes. College level means all colleges and school level covers the rest.
he examination has three stages:
(1) 16th ntrca Preliminary Exam (MCQ)– For all candidates. The 100 questions of this one hour long exam are chosen from four major areas such as Bangla (Language), English, General Math and Current Affairs. Minimum qualifying mark is 40%. Each correct answer bears one mark and for incorrect answer 0.5 marks is deducted.
(2) 16th NTRCA Written Exam– For candidates passed in Preliminary Exam (MCQ). This is a three-hour long examination of 100 marks. The subjects are chosen of their educational background.
(3) 16th ntrca Viva-Voce– For candidates selected through written exam. In this last stage of Registration Examination selected numbers of candidates are invited for Viva-Voce to judge their personality traits, style of expression and teaching ability.

Written Exam Syllabus

Candidate Can Follow The 16th NTRCA Written Exam Syllabus For Preparation. The Syllabus Provide From The Non Government Teachers Registration & Certification Authority.



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